Monday, November 29, 2010

Explorando mi propio jardín - Parte II

Más de mi jardin

more from my back yard

Esta foto es una combinación que hice 
con una foto de bokeh
This one is a combination I did with a bokeh picture

Estas flores son lindas. De día se abren y de noche se cierran.
These flowers are beautiful. They open during daytime and close during nighttime

Y estas parecen mariposas, lindas!
And these ones look like butterflies, lovely!!


  1. Is that your backyard in Peru?

    If it is, it's beautiful! Well, it's beautiful no matter where it is ... but make me want to go there sooner than this Summer!!

    Beautiful pictures, as always!


  2. Hi Mandy,

    Yes it is my backyard. It's not as big as the one in my house in Texas, but the advantage is that is has many kinds of flowers and plants :)
    I'll show you a picture of the backyard soon if you want! :)

  3. I would love that! Thanks!!


Gracias por tu comentario :)